Tuesday, September 10, 2024

OXY Boosts Education with “Sending Love & Care to Children” Campaign for Over 600 Orang Asli Students

Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share something really close to my heart. As many of you know, OXY has been a staple in my skincare routine since my teenage years. I remember the days of battling acne and navigating those challenging teenage years, and OXY was always there for me, giving me that much-needed boost of confidence. But recently, I discovered a side of OXY that goes beyond just skincare—and it’s truly inspiring.

For the third year running, OXY has been making waves with its ‘Sending Love & Care to Children’ campaign. This initiative has been a game-changer for over 600 Orang Asli students across Selangor. Through a partnership with MyKasih Foundation and Watsons Malaysia, OXY isn’t just focusing on our skin but is also dedicated to transforming the lives of these incredible students.

Last year’s efforts at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Judah (A) were already impressive, with a noticeable increase in student attendance from 69% to 80%. This year, OXY has expanded its support to three additional schools: Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kemandol (A), Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Tampoi (A), and Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Lanjan (A). It’s heartwarming to see how a skincare brand can have such a profound impact on education and well-being.

The campaign’s not just about textbooks and learning materials. OXY has introduced after-school tutoring to boost basic skills like reading and writing, set up mini libraries to spark a love for books, and even organized a fun sports day to promote physical activity and teamwork. It’s like OXY is wrapping these kids in a big, supportive hug, making sure they have what they need to thrive.

The fundraising effort of RM50,000 is a testament to how much OXY, Watsons Malaysia, and MyKasih Foundation believe in the power of education. This isn’t just a one-time gesture but a long-term commitment to making sure these students have every opportunity to succeed.

I’ve seen firsthand how OXY’s mission goes beyond skincare—it’s about fostering confidence and holistic well-being. Their dedication to these underprivileged children shows that their heart is in the right place. It’s not just about helping teenagers with acne; it’s about making a real difference in the world.

If you’re as moved by this as I am and want to support the cause, check out OXY’s official page for more details on how you can contribute. It’s amazing to see a brand that I’ve grown up with doing so much good and making a lasting impact.

Here’s to OXY for turning their commitment to skincare into a beacon of hope and opportunity. Let’s continue to support and celebrate brands that truly care about making a difference! For more information, visit OXY’s website, https://oxy.com.my/ or their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OxyMalaysia/. Thanks for reading, and let’s keep spreading the love and care! 

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