Presenting the Ginn International Showcase |
Earlier this month, I had a great Sunday by spending my time at the Ginn International August Showcase that was a platform for me to explore into high levels of expositions of a variety of exclusive brands and businesses. But honestly the highlight of it all was that Ms. Ginnie Lam, The Ginn Artistry president was present, and believe it or not, this is my first time ever getting to meet her in person, which made it more beneficial for me to be present to such an exciting event.
Starting off with a fashion show |
Malaysian Beauty Queens in Evening Gowns by Glitter Venus and sponsored Jewellery |
Other than getting to meet Ginnie Lam in person, the event presented 3 fashion & red-carpet worthy Runway Shows within the showcase. Attendees were able to witness the Ginn Artistry Fashion Show with Designer Evening Gowns by Glitter Venus & Ginn Int'l sponsored Jewellery. Presented by 12 of the most prominent Malaysian Beauty Queens and local top Models, they have been specially selected to be the Star Brand Influencers at this show.
Presenting the top 6 graduation stewardesses and steward from Cabin Crew Academy KL |
After the fashion show, we had a quick introduction by Professor Joh Hee Chul Jung who came all the way from Korea, he shared the trending of the next wave of Korean entertainment and beauty. So it was such a pleasure to be the first few to discover the latest technology being offered in the beauty industry. Not to forget that we also had a special appearance of the Top 6 Graduating Stewardesses and Steward from the Cabin Crew Academy KL (Subang Skypark) who managed to strut their way through the red carpet to flaunt their special Academy Uniform Parade. In conjunction with that, the CCA has appointed Ginnie Lam as the International Ambassador of Cabin Crew Academy KL to elevate the aviation in the hospitality industry.
Mr. Derrick sharing a few words on Ginn's journey throughout the years |
The present guest during the evening |
Halfway through the show, I noticed that the Emcee ushered Ms. Ginnie to the backstage (Here I got a little curious cause I was so tempted to get a photo a with her, but I guess the show has something special to offer). While waiting for the Showcase finale highlight, we were entertained by Ginns very own Operation Director, Mr. Derrick who shared the progressive journey of Ms. Ginnie Lam in Malaysia since becoming the Coffee & Tea Lifestyle Ambassador of the "Best Malaysian Café" Program in the year 2017.
Senior models in Korean Designer gowns |
Miss Ginnie Lam herself showcasing a Hanbok on the runway |
Looking rather amazing at her age. #lifegoals |
And by the time the talk ended, it was finally the prime highlight of the Showcase which presented Korean Senior Models Associations in Traditional Hanbok with their top 10 senior Korean Models showing off one of the finest designs of the latest Hanbok. It was absolutely stunning! But the minute we all saw Ginnie Lam herself making her way in an amazing Hanbok piece, I think almost everyone present was really impressed to see Ginnie in a fusion statement piece. It really had a touch of class blending both traditional and contemporary themes without losing its Korean cultural touch.
And to wrap the event, they had a group photo to remember the occasion |
Ms. Ginnie also managed to share a few words of appreciation thanking everyone for their support |
Also managed to get my shot with the Miss Ginnie Lam herself! |
To end the showcase, we had Mr. Jo Hoi Kim who shared a short speech and gifted the showcase with its grand feather in the cap via the Official Appointment of Ms. Ginnie Lam as the International Ambassador of the Senior Models Association of Korea as well. After all, after looking at her in a Hanbok, I can see why she deserves the title. Wrapping up the afternoon, they presented a special video of Ginn Int'ls journey in a collaborative video while she was in Korea on the 11th of July 2018 for the Federation of Arts & Culture Korea (FACO Korea). She also gave a meaningful speech ending with tears sharing how happy she is to be able to inspire people to be beautiful on the inside and the outside.
Ginnie Lam's Work
cantek pakaian korea tu. teringin nak try pakai satu hari nanti.