
Thursday, September 2, 2010

to the two faced jerk

call me anything you want, but i know myself better than anyone. you may hate me now, but you're gonna regret hating me one day. knowing you for over 4 years now, doesn't really matters to me anymore. i DON'T need anyone who acts like you in my life. so, please, STOP bugging me if you hate me so much. im not gonna bother you, youre not gonna bother me? got it? If we have class reunions, i'm not gonna be there when you're there. i promise i'll try to avoid you in any possible way if that makes you happy.

sincerely, your no longer your friend,

aliza sara.


  1. wei agak2 sikit eh nk ckp mcm tu kat i. ni semua sejak u kawan dengan thayjis u tu ah a.k.a couple u sekarang en.. and i tau i salah and panggil u slut.i told because u are, kejap dgn mamat ni, kejap dgn mamat ni..and kalau dia tak ckp dgn i haritu takkan semua benda ni terjadi.. bodoh punya bf, weyh suruh dia jumpa i lah kalau dia brani! fine! suka hati u ah nak buat apa dalam hidup you. mmg sia je i jumpa u.. u change a lot! have a good life and god bless you!

  2. cara ko ckp mcm ko kenal je dia,ko xtau story jgn main cakap dia kejap dgn laki2 lain,kalau ye pon dia dgn laki lain suka hati ah,ada kene mengena dgn ko?
    ko kenal aliza betul2 pon tak,main ckp je dia change alot.
    ko suka dia,pastu bole main ckp je dia awek ko dulu,padahal dia xngaku kawan pon
    ko xrasa malu ke?lagi2 sekarang ramai dah tau,sedar diri sikit bro
