MERAH HOT c(:be jealous haha

like any other sports day, the running, the screaming, the cheering, the tent, the march, and etc.
started the decorating at around 7am. managed to finished up everything in less than an hour. the hard part was making sure the laksamana stand straight. took around 30 minutes just to handle that. thanks to teachers and the guys especially for finding a way to make it stand straight :)
8 am in the morning,
the event started with the perbarisan. march march march. persatuan polis had some mistakes which was very funny. i thought it was cute. while marching, confidently, tibe2 je ada orang salah. hillarious. red house rocked the padang. :D with the cheering team which sounded like 'H-O-T T-O G-O, RED is HOT to Go.' well, the way
they did it was like OMG! comel gila. haha :D especially Joshua, the only guy cheering (:
9 am,
everything officially started at 9 sharp. they started with 100m, follow by 4x400m and then 4x100m. oh yeah, not to forget 'tug of war' blue vs red. for 100m race, karis managed to get 2nd placing and followed by diyana, 3rd placing. they were awesome. next was the relay punya acara. i was in 4x400m and 4x100m.
my 4x400m team was,
1st runner, Shok Chang
2nd runner, Chi Cheng
3rd runner, Shun Yee
last runner, me.
well, thanks to them, they managed to jarakkn diri from the other houses. when i started running, dah obviously 1st. Red house runners hebat. what to do? haha :p
4x100m was up next,
1st runner, me
2nd runner, diyana
3rd runner, kogila
last runner, karis
haha. mmg cunnted lahh. all the 100m runners, sprinters. others were ok la. but merah mmg champion. haha. *syok sendiri*
Tug of war,
blue versus red? who do you think will win? red lah kan? with our giant lawrence. haha. so yeah, sorry blue house.
closing ceremony,
marks were given for hiasan khemah and perbarisan. sadly merah won nothing for this. khemah was blue house ( u guys were lucky okayy? haha ;p) and perbarisan goes to kuning.
medals were given out. olahragawan, olagawati for every category.
nicole managed to get olahragawati for P3 category. thats all i know. haha.
i managed to get olahragawati for P1 category. 4 years straight bbeyh, since form 2. *XP
and when they announced they were giving away RM100 for olahragawan and olahragawati terbaik, i was like, whoa, RM100 kot? haha. i dah nk balik dah at that time, then they announced olahragawati first. they were like,drum roll please , ALIZA SARA BINTI ELIAS. haha. GOD! 1st ever time olahragawati TERBAIK. :) all the training finally paid of.i know its nothing, peringkat sekolah je. i know, but at least ada kenangan in high school. still, i cant beat my mum. my mum was state runner for sarawak when she was my age. her medals are like. whoa :0 oh and olahragawan terbaik was also red house,but cant remember his name. overall champion 'LAKSAMANA'. haha. Red house 4 years stright JOHAN.
soooo gonna miss running :( last year in school. ahh. what the heck. i'll just run around my house. no problemo. haha. so yeah, everything ended at around 12.30pm.
oh yeah, this years sports day alot of ppl lost their handphones. even the ones teachers were keeping their eye on. well, my brother lost his handphone. basically, more than 40 ppl pluss lost money and phones. i hope the pick pockets will feel guilty and pegi mati ahh. grrr! they dont have a heart (:
sports woman of SMKSAS year 2009 ;)